Acting, Improv and Confidence Class Kids Interested in Bak Middle School and Beyond

Enhance your child's confidence and communication skills, AND get them the skills they need if they want to audition for Bak Middle School of the Arts with this fun, engaging  and life skill building class! 

  This highly effective and FUN workshop includes not only every aspect of the Bak Theatre auditions, but also teaches fundamental acting skills as well as:

  • Confident Audition Mindset
  • Confident Audition Technique
  • Overcoming Audition Anxiety 
  • Understanding Stage Fright and Making it Work for Yo
  • A step by step process
    • Monologues
    • Scenes
    • Cold Readings
    • Adjustments

Saturdays 11 am to 12 pm March 1 - May 10 (No Class April 12) at Confident Performance Coaching, 860 US Hwy. 1, Suite 111, North Palm Beach, FL (First Door on Left)

Need Assistance or Have Questions? Call Melissa at (561 )270-5808.

Space is VERY Limited - Register Today!

What People Are Saying:

We want to thank u so much!! These kids had a dream and you gave them the confidence and ability to make it a reality, which created memories they will forever treasure!!! You gave Emily and Anna the encouragement to accomplish something I don't even think they realized they could do. They r both so incredibly proud of themselves for facing their fears!! Thank u Melissa!!! Ur the Best!! We hope to see you in the future as I believe You may have placed them along a new journey!

Jennifer Broglio/Charlene Stengel

You are amazing! Thank you so much for your time, attention, training, and patience with Lily! She got into Bak for communications and she is so happy! You really helped make her feel confident and ready for her audition. I can't thank you enough and will refer you to everyone I know going forward! Also want to continue talking about presentation class with you. Thank you so much again!!! Much appreciation always!!

Jennifer Bucker

Stella made it! So happy you were there for us helping us through this process. Thank you so much!"

Melissa Zickl

$140.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that tuition for this course is non-refundable.  If the instructor cannot attend a session, there will be a makeup class. However, if a student misses a session, there will not be a makeup provided.

I understand that Melissa Boher Jacobson, All Star Entertainment Services, Inc. and Awesome Kid Auditions is a training program, and makes no guarantees or promises regarding admission to Bak MSOA, Dreyfoos or any other school or program.