Confident High School Club for Teens

This 6-week, fun-filled online course, led by Confident Life Coach,  Melissa Boher Jacobson, will feature  activities, games, and projects designed to instill unshakeable self-belief. Issues addressed will include bully-proofing, handling adversity, active listening, conflict resolution and  negotiation; self-talk, confident body language, and creating a permanent, confident mindset for your child.
Remote on Zoom Mondays 7:30 - 8:30 pm /October 18 - November 22/ 2 Payments of $150 / Space limited  to 12

Confident High School Club For Teenagers

This 6-week fun-filled online course, led by Confident Life Coach,  Melissa Boher Jacobson, will feature  activities, games, and projects designed to instill unshakeable self-belief. Issues addressed will include bully-proofing, handling adversity, active listening, conflict resolution and  negotiation; self-talk, confident body language, and creating a permanent, confident mindset for your child.   Remote on Zoom Mondays 7:30 - 8:30 pm Oct. 18-Nov 22/  2 Payments of $150 / Space limited  to 12        

2 Payments of $150 Each